RISC-V Verification Training
This course introduces participants to best-practice CPU Design Verification (DV) strategies so they can contribute effectively to real projects (see the objectives). It is aimed at engineers new to CPU and/or CPU verification, including verifying integration of the CPU into an SoC (System-on-Chip). or just understand more about it (target audience). It is delivered fully online with a large number of quizzes and practical exercises to practice the content covered in the lectures. The expected pre-requisites are shown here.
The course is split into 3 parts with links to further details:
- Introduction to CPU and CPU verification (details)
- RISC-V CPU verification (details) which focuses on how to verify a RISC-V CPU. It uses an open source UVM test bench and students are expected to use that for the practical exercises.
- There is one full course on RiscV CPU verification, but partial attendance is also possible for those already familiar with CPU verification (but not familiar with RISC-V (see column 2 “Shortened version of the course“)
- RISC-V SoC verification (details) which focuses on the verification of an SoC which incorporates a RISC-V CPU. The main strategy deployed here is to use the RISC-V to run programs (written in C or assembler) to verify SoC integration and functionality. It uses an open-source test bench and students are expected to use that for the practical exercises.
By the end of the course, participants should be able to:
- Describe the current best-practice CPU and CPU-based SoC DV strategies.
- Understand the main methodologies, tools and languages used in those best-practice CPU DV and CPU-based SoC strategies.
- Apply those best-practice DV methodologies, tools and languages to a basic RISCV CPU design and a RISCV-based SoC design.
- Analyse a “real” RISCV CPU design or RISCV-based SoC and propose a DV strategy.
- Understand best-practice CPU and CPU-based SoC DV strategies so they can discuss DV topics confidently with colleagues.
- Have sufficient understanding of RISCV CPU and a RISCV-based SoC DV tools and methodologies to contribute effectively to real projects.
Target audience
- Design and verification engineers wanting to learn more about CPU and CPU-based SoC DV strategies.
- Verification engineers wanting to learn more about RiscV and RiscV-based SoC DV strategies
- Managers wanting some understanding of CPU and CPU-based SoC DV.
- Some experience of DV and System Verilog (SV) with the Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) would be beneficial.
Detailed content
Part 1: CPU and RISC-V Basics
1 Introduction to CPU (approx. 1 hour teaching)
1.1 Introduction to CPU architectures and Instruction Set Architectures (ISA)
- What is an ISA and why do we need them? (code/binary portability)
1.2 Introduction to CPU micro-architectures
- A simple CPU block diagram
- Basic operation of a simple CPU micro-architecture
2 How do we verify a CPU? (approx. 2 hours teaching)
2.1 Overall CPU verification strategies
- Contrast and compare different approaches to CPU verification, and their relative advantages and disadvantages
- Explain a hierarchical simulation-based approach which will be taught here
2.2 Unit level
- This can be done with standard SV-UVM test benches
- Give some basic examples from
- fetch and branch prediction, decode and dispatch, integer execution, load store execution, floating point, instruction cache, data cache, MMU, CSRs. More specialised units may include vector unit, reorder buffer
- Note detailed unit level verification is too specific to each design to be part of the course
2.3 CPU level
- Explain how this can be performed using binary machine code
- Explain how assembler code can be used to verify the CPU
- Explain how instruction stream generation can be used to generate the assembler
- Example of a UVM test bench for running the generated assembler (converted to binary) on the CPU
2.4 System level integration
- Brief introduction to the objectives of and techniques for verifying the integration of a CPU into an SoC (this is covered in more detail later in the course)
3 Basic CPU level verification and tooling (2 hours teaching + examples)
3.1 Instruction stream generators (ISGs)
- How instruction stream generation works
- The need for constrained pseudo-random generation
- The types of constraints needed
3.2 The “riscv-dv” (open source) tooling
- Overview of riscv-dv as an example of an ISG (this is covered in more detail later in the course)
- Some examples of running riscv-dv
3.3 Impact of adding your own instructions
- This will be explained but not covered in detail (as it is very design specific)
4 CPU microarchitectures for faster code execution (4 hours teaching)
4.1 Reviewing different microarchitecture styles
- For example, RISC vs CISC vs VLIW (this is covered in more detail later in the course)
5 Verifying CPU microarchitectures (4 hours teaching + examples)
5.1 Building functional coverage models for the microarchitecture
- Identify microarchitecture features to verify
- Define suitable functional coverage points
- Extend existing coverage model
- Run tests and review the coverage
5.2 Generate tests to hit the functional
- Review the current constraints
- Extend constraints to hit coverage points in the extended coverage model
6 riscv-dv practical exercises (estimated student independent study time = at least 8 hours, plus at least 1 hour classroom review)
- Overview of the exercises for extending coverage model and the constraints file, and then running tests to close coverage
- Explanation on how to work independently on the exercises
- How to get support and feedback
6.1 Joint classroom review and feedback on the exercises
- Joint session to review exercises
Part 2: RISC-V CPU verification
7 Introduction to RISCV (approx. 2 hours teaching)
7.1 RISC-V ISA Overview
- Understanding instruction formats
- RISC-V ISA modularity
- Privileges and the memory model
7.2 Assembly Language for RISC-V
- Example programs
8 Writing and running RISCV programs (approx. 1 hour teaching + examples)
8.1 Overview of RISCV software toolchains
- Flow diagrams for the software tool chains
- Flow for creating binary files from assembler and C
8.2 Introducing the RISC-V Assembler and Runtime Simulator (RARS)
- Writing and running examples assembler programs for the basic ISA
- Running them on RARS
8.3 Assembling C code into RISCV assembler
- Writing and running examples C programs for the basic ISA
- Running them on RARS
- Setting practical exercises for writing and running examples assembler and C programs on RARS
- Consider including Metaware on RISC-V (Synopsys toolkit)
9 RISCV practical exercises (estimated student independent study time = at least 4 hours, plus at least 1 hour classroom review)
- Overview of the exercises for writing and running code for RISCV and running on RARS
- Explanation on how to work independently on the exercises
- How to get support and feedback
9.1 Joint classroom review and feedback on the exercises
- Joint session to review exercises
10 How do we verify integration of CPU in an SoC? (approx. 2 hours teaching)
10.1 System level integration verification
- Explain how software running on a mini-SoC can be used to verify the CPU
- Explain that different (higher performance) platforms might be needed to run the code
- Examples of compliance suites and benchmarks
11 Basic RISC-V level verification and tooling (2 hours teaching + examples)
11.1 The “riscv-dv” (open source) tooling
- Overview of riscv-dv
- Some examples of running riscv-dv
- Reviewing the code generated and run in simulation
- Reviewing the pass/fail
- Reviewing the coverage
11.2 How to generate and run your first riscv-dv test
- Run the tool, simulate the output, check the results, review the coverage for yourself
11.3 Reviewing the riscv-dv functional coverage model
- Review the functional coverage defined in riscv-dv
11.4 Reviewing the riscv-dv constraints model
- How constraints are defined in riscv-dv
- How to make changes and see the impacts of those changes
12 riscv-dv practical exercises (estimated student independent study time = at least 8 hours, plus at least 1 hour classroom review)
- Overview of the exercises for running the full riscv-dv flow
- Explanation on how to work independently on the exercises
- How to get support and feedback
12.1 Joint classroom review and feedback on the exercises
- Joint session to review exercises
13 Architectural compliance (2 hours teaching + examples)
13.1 Understanding architectural compliance
- What is architectural compliance?
- The different RISCV architectures and differences in compliance requirements
- Architectural compliance suites
- Detailed description of an example compliance suite
13.2 RISC-V compliance suites
- Running an example RISC-V compliance suite
- Reviewing the results
14 CPU microarchitectures for faster code execution (4 hours teaching)
14.1 Reviewing different microarchitecture styles
- For example, RISC vs CISC vs VLIW
- Why RISC and RISCV specifically?
14.2 The RISCV registers
- Overview of the register set
- Register Addressing Modes (e.g. direct, indirect, immediate)
- General purpose vs special registers
14.3 Pipelining
- What is pipelining and which problems does it solve?
- What problems does pipelining introduce?
- Techniques for overcoming these issues (e.g. out-of-order execution, branch prediction, register renaming)
14.4 Additional microarchitectures
- Superscalar processors
- o What is a superscalar processor and how are they designed?
- Multithreaded processors
- Vector processors and Vector/SIMD instruction set extensions
- Multi-core processors
15 Final session
- Review the main concepts
- Review the practical exercises and how they apply to real projects
16 Additional Materials
- Add material on how “Formal Verification” could be used
Part 3: RISC-V SoC verification
- Full course syllabus
17 Introduction to SoC Verification (approx. 2 hours teaching)
17.1 Introduction to SoC verification
- The main SoC verification tasks and challenges
- The main differences between IP and SoC verification
- The main metrics and signoff criteria used in SoC verification
18 Introduction to the training SoC (approx. 2 hours teaching)
18.1 Introduction to the SoC being used in the course
- An overview of the architecture of SoC being used
18.2 The SoC verification environment
- Overview of the test bench
- The tools and flow for running tests and simulations
- How to add checkers using assertions and write self-checking tests
- Defining and implementing SoC functional coverage models
19 SoC practical exercises (estimated student independent study time = at least 4 hours, plus at least 1 hour classroom review)
- Overview of the environment for running RISCV code on the SoC
- Overview of the process of updating a test or write a new test and then run it on the SoC
- Exercises to run existing tests
- Exercises to update and run existing tests
- Exercises to write and run new tests
- Ensuring tests are self-checking
- Adding functional coverage
19.1 Joint classroom review and feedback on the exercises
- Joint session to review exercises
20 SoC practical debug exercises (estimated student independent study time = at least 2 hours, including classroom review)
- Finding bugs, triage and debug flow
- Exercise to run a test on an SoC with a known bug
- Exercise to triage and debug the known bug
21 How do we verify an SoC CPU? (approx. 3 hours teaching)
21.1 Overall SoC verification strategies
- Contrast and compare different approaches to SoC verification, and their relative advantages and disadvantages
- Explain the approach which will be taught here
21.2 SoC verification for specific SoC features
- SoC integration verification and tests
- SoC reset & boot (power on sequence) sequence verification and tests
- SoC clock control and clock gating verification and tests
- SoC power control verification and tests
- SoC interrupt verification and tests
- SoC system control verification and tests
- SoC use case verification and tests
22 SoC verification and signoff practical exercises (estimated student independent study time = at least 4 hours, plus at least 1 hour classroom review)
- Writing and running tests for a range of SoC features
- Collecting coverage and sign-off metrics
- Writing a SoC sign-off report
22.1 Joint classroom review and feedback on the exercises
- Joint session to review exercises
23 Final session
- Review the main concepts
- Review the practical exercises and how they apply to real projects
24 Additional Materials
- Additional material on how “Formal Verification” could be used