Our Story

Mike Bartley
Founder and CEO
Alpinum Consulting launched in June 2016 with a clear focus to help companies succeed in their Digital Transformation by providing the talent, strategic guidance and innovative technology solutions, while making that transformation simple and cost effective. Over the years, with the rapid rise in the use of AI for both productivity gains and new service/product opportunities, Alpinum has adapted to incorporate this into our services too.
Alpinum Consulting was set-up by Mike Bartley who successfully started T&VS in 2008 to provide software testing and hardware verification solutions. Mike grew T&VS to become a global solution provider with clients ranging from Tier 1 semiconductor companies to small start-ups, and then successfully sold it to Tessolve Semiconductors in 2020.
Over the years clients have leveraged the experience, quality and cost-effectiveness of Alpinum Consulting services to deliver a number of AI, Cloud, Agile and DevOps development projects. Alpinum Consulting is now expanding to open new global offices to multiple continents to better serve our clients with nearby to nearshore resources.